Friends. A simple word, isn't it?? Uttered Every day to almost every person imaginable. Who are your friends?? What are they and where? One said it's hard to live with them and it's much harder without. And one who tries to live alone will not succeed in this world, not as a human being. His heart withers if it does now answer another heart, and his mind will shrink away and vapor, hearing only the echoes of his own thoughts; and the vast of silence stretching above him, around him too, will deafen him, it ill close his ears. Whatever it is that my friends are saying, it's absolutely true and terribly important and they say it with a sincerity one could only wish for. If I were pressed to give them words, I'd give them these: Here I am. It's me. I'm here. Take heart, my friends, and think, Who made those eyes that see, can't he look out from yours?? Who in a world of widows pities whores and gives to countless tiny friends the heart to speak? But if they'd move from silence to sound, with a still small voice, would the world shudder? would my heart stop? Or would the spring slide through our winter? May God bless us all. Uwe Henneken With thanks to David Tibet and Baby Dee for lending me some of their words.
I'm sorry but ever since I read that article in the V magazine, I was truly inspired and had to share it. Hoped you enjoyed it :)
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